After a Session
Journaling About Your Experience
In order to get the most out of your Museum Sage® session, we invite you to take some time to reflect in writing after your session is over.
1. The question I had about my life was:
2. The piece of art I worked with was:
3. The first response I had to the artwork was:
4. As I continued to explore the artwork, I noticed:
5. The Guide or the group made these useful comments:
6. When I thought about how the work spoke to my question, I could see:
7. When I was finished I felt:
8. The action I committed to take was:
9. After I took that action, I noticed:
10. What this could mean for me going forward is:
Share Your Story
We’d love to hear from you! Please share your question and insight(s) and/or a screenshot of your Museum Sage artwork on Facebook or Instagram:
@museumsage for Instagram
If you’d prefer, you can email us your question and insight(s) and/or a screenshot JPG of you with your Museum Sage artwork at
If you’re okay with your story being on this website, please let us know. We’d love to share it!
Museum Sage® journaling questions copyright 2021 Laurie Phillips and Jon Spayde. First seven journaling questions copyright 2021 Margaret Todd Maitland.